Introduction of Kangaroo Math

  • The Kangaroo Math Competition is an international school-level mathematics competition organized by the Association Kangourou sans Frontières (AKSF), a transnational educational group based in Paris. Founded in the early 1980s, the Kangaroo Math Competition is currently the world’s largest math competition, with almost 6 million participants from 98 countries in 2023.
  • Since 2013 until 2023, almost 400,000 participants have taken part in this competition.
  • Malaysia was inducted into AKSF in 2012 and has been sanctioned by AKSF to organize the Kangaroo Math Competition in Malaysia since 2013. In Kangaroo Math 2023, there were more than 47,000 participants representing over 1,552 schools from all over Malaysia.
Participants in 2023
0 K+
0 K
0 +

Our Objectives


To allow Malaysian school students to achieve certification and recognition from an internationally prominent education body


To support the internationalization effort of Malaysia’s education system as outlined in “Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013-2025”


To increase Malaysia’s participation to be at par with other established countries in the International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition


To popularize mathematical enrichment activities among students and teachers in Malaysia


To expose students with math problems designed by internationally renowned math educators


To allow students to apply their knowledge in Mathematics that they have learned in school

Who Should Participate?

Kangaroo is catered to all school students from Year 1 to Form 6 with six different categories with differing levels of difficulty.

Benefits for students


Increase students interest in Mathematics


Road to excel in other competitive math competition for example the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO)


Equipt the student with 21st century skills such as problem solving and analytical thinking skills


Sharpen student abilities to answer HOTS questions


International recognition and offers value for future academic journey.

Competition Procedure

  • There is no online method for individual participants.
  • Individual participants should register under their school or joined other school as surrogate candidates.
  • Registration should be done by the appointed teacher-in-charge ONLY
  • Register at
  • Fill in teacher’s and school’s details
  • Choose offline method
  • Fill in student detail
  • Complete payment
  • Question packages will be sent to schools/centers
  • On the competition day, the schools will conduct the contest at their own venues
  • Schools are responsible in enforcing the regulations of the competition
  • Schools will send the OMR answer sheets to the Secretariat
  • The results will be announced and the prizes will awarded 4 months after the competition

Join the largest Mathematics Competition In Malaysia

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